At the threshold of success

The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell film review

The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell film review


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It’s a common consensus that when the end of the world comes, it will be when you least expect it, which can be considered a bad thing. The same could be said for the movie The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell. Fortunately, despite its unforgiving title this film is exactly what you least expect it to be; a witty, exciting and meaningful film.

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America in the year 2097

Not to say that Threshold’s production is expected to be anything but good, it’s just that it’s difficult not to question the title of the film. However, the campy title does bring about intrigue, and intrigue leads to mystery and excitement which is a good sentiment going into the film.

This is one of those films that cult film fans love to discover

There’s blood, guts and gore, but it’s not horror. There are laughs to be had, but it’s not a light hearted comedy. There are definitely moving moments that are sure to be popular themes prevalent at any given Armageddon-gala event. But you’d be hard pressed to pin this piece to any dramatic category. There are even episodic anecdotes documenting the end of the world as modern/post-end of the world historians would see it. The comedy is in the irony. The very idea of studying the end of the world in any academic sense leads you to believe that it was in fact, not the end of the world.

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Daniel Baldwin as Clark Remington

The story of the making of the film is an interesting feat in itself. This is a first time feature for Threshold Productions which has a lot to say about its current lot of talent, and says much more in whetting appetites for any future projects. To the great relief of any first time film being viewed, this film does not fail like most others do. can’t help but to quote the myriad of well executed lines...

From a technical standpoint, first time films of any sort are plagued by characteristics that take away any credibility of the film. Poor image quality, bad sound, horrible acting and trite story lines are usually the symptoms most first time films die from. Threshold does an amazing job with the color schemes, cinematography, sound editing, sets, even animation packed into an overall composition that creates a unique backdrop that any post-apocalyptic beach party would be expected to look like; a vacation in hell, or in this case, Pensacola, Florida.

The acting is top notch. All of the actors bring so much to the colorful palette of the film not just visually but in timing and rhetoric, accompanied by a finely written and very witty script. It’s one of those films where you can’t help but to quote the myriad of well executed lines followed by the laughter when picturing the moments in your head. There’s even a great ukulele solo in the middle of the film. A song you’ll hate to love and never get out of your head.

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Chandler Parker as Yul, Kevin Wheatley as Tex Kennedy, and Paul Whitty as Quincy

But with all films there are its flaws, and this being a first time production is going to have some. There is good news however, it can be fixed. The movie is too long. Somewhere in the middle it’s easy to lose track of the main progression at hand, not so much due to any misplaced plot line trafficking, but rather due to some scenes going longer than it should, lending to the viewers attention span wandering away from the reality of the film.

Fear not however. With cunning and determination, the film delivers to the end. This is one of those films that cult film fans love to discover. Its genre state, witty banter, dark humor, and even well masked political commentary are all waiting to be hyped up and divided among the masses like appetizers. For the when the main course makes it’s final cut, there won’t be any room for dessert.