The Last Picture Show - 2005 Film Festival

Fri, Sat, Sun, Sept. 30th Oct. 1 & 2.
314 Main St., Metuchen, NJ.
The Forum Theater

Fri, Sat, Sun, Sept. 30th Oct. 1 & 2.
314 Main St., Metuchen, NJ.
The Forum Theater


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I met Sean Ryan tonight in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. He told me about a film festival that he helped to start in New Jersey. This is the festivals first year and they are still accepting subbmissions. All films will be played at the Forum Theater in Metuchen, NJ. There is an expected special appearance by Director Todd Solondz ('Welcome to the Dollhouse', 'Storytelling', 'Happiness', 'Palindromes').

Here is the info.

The Last Picture Show
2005 Film Festival

Fri. Sat & Sun.
Sept. 30, Oct. 1 & 2

The Forum Theater
314 Main Street, Metuchen, NJ

Fest Central
The Raconteur
431 Main Street, Metuchen, NJ

The Last Picture Show - 2005 Film Festival-Body

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